What we’ve learned so far.

At Kinston Teens, we believe in the power of community input and collaboration. Our ongoing efforts to develop the East Kinston Neighborhood Hub and Equitable Development Plan have been guided by valuable insights gathered directly from East Kinston residents.

Community Workshop Insights:

On October 18, 2023, we hosted a community workshop at the Kinston Teens Neighborhood Hub, which took the form of a lively East Kinston Block Party. During this event, we engaged with residents to collect their thoughts, stories, and aspirations. Here's what we discovered:

Residents' Aspirations for the Equitable Development Plan’s outcomes:

  • Enhanced community amenities, including entertainment venues, youth programs, and community centers.

  • Desires for local job opportunities, improved transportation, and accessible education.

  • Enthusiasm for positive neighborhood development and continued community engagement.

What Says 'East Kinston' to Our Community:
Through discussions, we identified key focus areas that resonate with East Kinston residents:

  • Community Resilience: A vision of unity, opportunities, and community support.

  • Healing and Restoration: A desire to uplift youth, restore the community, and promote positive futures.

  • High-Quality Housing for All Ages: Improving housing quality, affordability, and availability.

  • Local Business Development: Revitalizing the community through entrepreneurship and job creation.

  • Parks and Recreation: Diverse recreational programs for all ages, with a focus on youth.

  • Schools and Education: Schools as community hubs, offering well-rounded growth opportunities.

  • Nature and a Healthy Environment: Improving cleanliness, green spaces, and community health.

  • Food Security and Community Agriculture: Ensuring access to healthy food and fostering community cohesion.

Our commitment to community engagement extends beyond the block party. We've conducted focus groups, door-to-door canvassing, surveys, and monthly neighborhood meetings to ensure that our neighbors’ voices guide our efforts.

Together, we're building a brighter future for East Kinston, and your feedback is shaping our plans every step of the way.