Our Vision: Mixed-Income Housing Opportunities

Our vision for East Kinston includes the rehabilitation of existing housing and the creation of new housing that caters to the diverse needs of our community. This means striving for a balance of housing options, including:

  • Low-Income and Affordable Rental Housing: We are working toward safe and affordable rental housing options for individuals and families with limited financial resources.

  • Market Rate Housing: Middle-income earners deserve access to quality housing too. We aim to create market-rate housing options that are attractive and affordable for this segment of our community.

  • Pathways to Homeownership: For those who aspire to homeownership, we are working with our partners to create pathways that make this dream a reality. We believe in expanding homeownership opportunities for all who desire it.

The Current Landscape:

In our East Kinston study area, a significant percentage of homes are renter-occupied, contributing to a higher population density compared to the rest of the city. Additionally, the Kinston Housing Authority offers 641 units of public affordable housing across six sites within the East Kinston study area. The presence of higher density affordable housing units contributes to a higher population density in the study area than the rest of the city. These factors highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to housing solutions.

At the East Kinston Neighborhood Hub, we are actively engaged in initiatives that address these housing challenges and promote equitable housing options for all.

We are actively collaborating with developers, lenders, and property management companies to revitalize existing housing units and create new ones. Our approach also involves building and strengthening relationships with local, state, and federal housing agencies and organizations.

Additionally, we're strategically acquiring land to develop into housing units, ensuring that East Kinston residents have access to a wide range of housing options. Through these concerted efforts, we aim to improve the quality, affordability, and availability of housing in our community, fostering a neighborhood where everyone has the opportunity to secure safe and stable housing.

Together, we are building a community where everyone can thrive.

Inclusive housing creates inclusive communities.

Kinston Teens and the East Kinston Neighborhood Hub are deeply committed to fostering inclusive, vibrant neighborhoods where everyone has access to safe, affordable, and quality housing. We recognize the importance of housing as a fundamental building block of community well-being and economic prosperity.

In recent years, our community has faced housing challenges, including decreasing housing units and rising vacancy rates. These challenges are attributed, in part, to an aging housing inventory with many homes lacking energy efficiency and minimum housing standards. These issues, coupled with broader economic downturns and natural disasters exacerbated by the climate crisis, have made housing a priority focus area for our efforts.