
Kinston Teens is seeking community input and guidance for development of an East Kinston Neighborhoood Hub and Equitable Development Plan.

What is the Neighborhood Hub?
A place for youth-led and neighborhood-focused initiatives, with resources, activities and community spaces by and for the residents of East Kinston. 

What is an East Kinston equitable development plan?
A road map for Kinston Teens and community partners to build equitable opportunity in East Kinston, meaning that everyone in East Kinston has access to the places and resources they need to thrive. 

What comes first?
Your input is needed! The design team is seeking community guidance on Neighborhood Hub possibilities, East Kinston assets and challenges, and what improvements should come first.

Thank you for taking 10-15 minutes to complete this survey – your input is important.

Please visit www.EastKinston.org for project updates and to learn how else to be involved.